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VietNam #day6 (lets do the budget re-cap)

#Last day in Vietnam HCMC, same stuffs wake up late, another Pho noodle for lunch 50.000dong / $3, Shea wake up early for his hockey team (Boston Bruins). There is a bar down the street accidentally under his city name called Boston Sport bar, he was very excited about it, he took me there once just to get a SAIGON beer and I had seafood spring roll.. so good, he stayed for 4-5 hours watching his team played this morning. He came back with his big smile and I know his team must have won the game… he had couple Saigon beers for $5, so cheap hey.
Today was so hot, hot and real hot.. I couldn’t bare it I just went out for Pho then came back to the hotel for a nap. I did nothing but being lazy and watched channel V, yes we had enough with HCMC, I love the food, people, everything. I will miss this city and it will always in my mind, the memories. The plan has been fixed. We have purchased the ticket to CAMBODIA for 660.000dong / $32 for 2 persons ($16 each). We paid our hotel room for $60 / 5 days ($12/night). All paid all good.

Almost finish packing my stuffs, my bag seems expanding, my stuffs couldn’t get in.. oh y is always like that.. u always lose space when u re-pack, I put my boot into Shea’s bag but still mine couldn’t fit…i really wish I could throw some of my stuffs away but everything is  new, I just bought it in Jakarta.. 3pair of shoes, 2 bags, clothes, jeans, etc..

Let’s do a quick budget re-cap: we landed on 30th of April up till today we have spent 5.240.000Dong or about $260 or Rp 2.260.000 that is including:
- Hotel $12 / night : 1.500.000 dong / $75
- Bus to Cambodia : 660.000 dong / $32
- Arrival Visa for Shea: $25 (they only take dollar so make sure u bring your $$$ before landing)
- Food/drinks/tour/etc. : 2.590.000 dong / $ 128

$260 for 6 nights n 7 days.. SO CHEAP!! U guys (who love travelling) gotta do this.. we didn’t really save, we ate pretty good food, u can go way cheaper than this if u go with the local food and pay $5-$7 hotel per night with-out Air conditioner but I am telling you the weather is so HOT here.. it is nice to get back to the hotel with cool room after a whole day tracking the city and tour sides.  

did i tell u this:
Apparently facebook is banned in Vietnam I guess because this is Communist country just like china  or I don’t know. A day without facebook Is like coffee without sugar…bitter  (hahah exaggerated) Shea is a computer nerd and he has Hacked their system OMG I was so scare!! I watched this program called “bang abroad” at NatGeo Adventure it is about those tourist who breaks the rules and sent to jail… he said everything is going to be OK (MAN!! This is communist country bad things happen) But our Facebook works… im sure there are so many people out there who does the same thing as Shea did but *fiuhhh we r leaving tomorrow so no more rule break.. Shea managed to download abt 20 movies but yes… it makes the system slow down… I mean the internet.
CAMBODIA… we r coming!! 12 hrs busride, (im not sure if I get the internet connection there but fingercross)

PS: everyone thinks im Vietnamese, everywhere I go they start talking to me in their language I just smile n said “Indonesia”.  “MIHNDUY” is the hotel where we stay runs by 3 middle-age ladies… they are so nice and friendly, they just reminds me of my aunties back home. They laugh at Shea everytme he talks to them… so today we were paying the hotel room, they gave us Dollar price for $60 but we only have Dong.. then the two ladies tried to figure out the dong numbers.. they were arguing, while me and Shea were looking at each other and wonder “what the hell r they talking abt.. it sounded like “dang ding ding dang dong kang king kang hahahah….” They finally found the right amount. I was laughing out loud but Shea told me that’s what it sounds like when he hears Indonesian talking in bahasa” hhahaha hell No.. we don’t sound that bad do we?...


  1. Wow that is a good price to stay there. Any good deals on airfare?

  2. Hi Heather, thank u for reading my blog. U can check I got $25 one way ticket-good deal. they have promo every friday frm 8am-4pm.


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