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CAMBODIA #day3&4

#Day3: we were still tired after the temple and massage, we both woke up so late. I did nothing but slept a whole day. Shea went to see his friend Mick, he was very excited and has been talking about him over n over. Unluckily he couldn’t find the hotel, he asked everyone and no one knew. We came back sweating and upset after 2 hrs bike ride. (yes he rent a bike $1 / day). He googled it and found out the location. He went back to find the hotel and came back around 5.45pm with his big smile, yes he met his friend Mick. I took a short ride. It was so nice… I felt like an old time back to my childhood when I rode the bike around the village. The heat, the smells of the dusk, the trees and dirt road.
#Day4: As always, the first thing I do in the morning is being online, get in touch with people out there and find out what’s going on in the world. If my family is OK, read and comment on other fb’s profile  (because I’m far away from anyone I know, but I don’t really do this back home) so I don’t feel like out of the loop. Today Shea dragged me to the pool, I do love swimming but not in the pool coz I think such a small amount of water and everyone swims there and I’m sure they pee on in (as I do sometimes, opss). Swimming at everyone’s pee.. yak!! Hahaha, but I do love swimming in the ocean/beach. He walked to the AQUA (that’s the pool’s name) it’s only less than 10 minutes from our hotel) but I rode a bike. It was such a bright and hot day.. OMG I won’t never ever do that back home. Let my bear skin get into the sun. Most of Asian girl wants to have lighter skin, they do anything to make their skin white / lighter: whitening cream, injection (this vit. Inject to your skin so it makes it brighter-my cousin does it), stay away from the sun, go to salon n have whitening scrub, use umbrella etc.) oh u can’t believe these, most of the woman’s advertise on TV is whitening products started it from lotion, soap, sun cream, etc.. because we Asian think those who has white/brighter skin is beautiful/pretty/good looking etc, just like western girls who wants their skin to look tan and dark, they do anything; sun bathing, tanning, etc…  may be because they think tan skin is beautiful, exotic, etc. (if it's so, we Asian girls are exotic then hahah) think like this.. we Asian born this way, brown / fair skin like everyone else we want something different so we go white and those western born white and I’m sure they also what something different so they go tan (hahah forgive me if this is wrong, I’m just assuming). For me I’m done with whitening or tanning etc. as long as I’m healthy, happy and alive hahah..

Anyway back to the pool, yes I didn’t swim but read unfinished novel. Then I was kind a bored waiting for Shea, I decided to bike around the city. First, I rode to crocodile’s farm. I asked and asked maybe 10 guys on the road just to make sure I was in the right path. I took this short cut, muddy n dirty road, holes everywhere. I found it , it isn’t far from our hotel. They have 1168 crocodiles WOW that’s a lot, how r they going to feed those hungry crocodiles everyday…, the ticket is $3, a week ticket i wanted to see but then me, Shea n his friends wanted to see it too so I just wait till tomorrow then. I peddled, didn’t know where to go but followed everyone else then I found this textile house where they make handmade clothes, sarong, scarf, etc.  Back on track, I finally found the Bar Street n I knew I was in the right path. I peddled n peddled till I found this temple, brand new handmade temple with colors and Buddha painting around the wall. At first I was kinda scared to enter no one in the main entrance and no one asked me for ticket. so I just came inside, sneaked around and took some pic, they guys there saw me but didn’t say anything (I guess they think im Cambodian instead of tourist haahh).
I passed this park near the river, beautiful park with green grass looks like carpet so green n perfect with bench all the way toward this small river. The trees r big and tall in a good line, I enjoyed my ride a lot… thinking nothing but relax and enjoyed the view. I stopped couple times and asked people on the road to take my pic. I broke my sunglasses, I almost fell, I was kinda confused coz in indo steer is in the left. But here is in the right. I stopped at local museum, i came inside… it was such a nice museum, looks like hotel or exhibition. The girls who sell the tickets were full make up, nice dress, cool room. I was there with these muddy sandals, shorts with big red hat, smelly, sweaty, dirty and grubby. I felt like a beggar asking for food. The ticket is $12, ummm im not that into museum or old stuff, I don’t like the past, In fact I don’t like history J (I’m sure I’m not the only one who doesn’t like history).

2 hours peddling, I went back to the hotel, hungry and sweaty. They receptionist girls were laughing at me n think I look darker… (2hrs peddling under the sunny day yes for sure!!). I had a cup noodle for lunch, had a long shower. Then dinner, we went back to Mexican restaurant, I had Fajitas and Shea had chimi changgo (I dunno know how to write it thou). It was soooooooo good. Mexican food Rocks hey, I had it before in Jakarta but it didn’t teste as good as we had. Shea told me the food taste the same back home.. wow I like it. We supposed to have dinner with Mick, Shea’s best friend but they didn’t come I guess they were too tired after Angkor Wat/the temple. At 9 we went home then his friend texted if we wanted to meet them in Mexican food coz they will be there arnd 10.30, yes Shea was dancing around happy about to see his good friend but I am in pajamas n just had another shower (I’m a clean freak… I make sure I’m clean before I go to bed) so I didnt go.. i stayed in bed and wrote this blogJ


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